Match My Email Integration App for Has Record Year

salesforce email integration, match my email

Match My Email posts record revenue and subscriber growth in 2013, and now has customers in 14 countries and 36 states. Match My Email offers the most advanced, fully automated email syncing and logging app for Offered on the AppExchange, Match My Email is a member of ISVForce. Ardsley on Hudson, New York. […]

Control Freaks Love Match My Email

As a sales manager, I need to know what is going on with leads and customers in real time. To do my job, I need to see the emails flowing between my sales team and the customer base as they happen. I have been called a control freak. I just see it as doing my […]

Increase Adoption with Automated Email Syncing and Logging

At Dreamforce in session after session , the theme was user adoption. How do you get sales professionals to use Sales reps don’t necessarily like technology and data entry; they like the chase – winning someone over and closing a deal. Again, in session after session, the solution to the adoption dilemma was the […]

Custom Email Integration For

Match My Email has released a new version of its email integration platform that makes syncing emails to custom objects, fields and filters quick and easy. The new version has now been tested on a number of beta accounts and the results have been extraordinary. Most customizations only require 5 to 10 hours of paid […]

Please Add My Emails to Automatically

The following is a letter from Ricardo Lacombe, Filmmaker/Director: I am busy, super super busy. I need a CRM system that is as efficient as possible. I don’t have time to waste. When I open, I want to see all the emails – TO:, FROM:, CC:, and BCC: — inside each page layout. I […]

Manual Versus Automated Email Syncing for That Is The Question

To sync email manually or automatically to that is the question. It is nobler to take total control of one’s email log and post each email one-by-one by hand or to leave it to the unsleeping cloud with its ability to channel the flow of business and social interaction for you. When considering email […]