Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

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How do I get email messages to show on Opportunity or other object pages?




When you do not see email data on a particular type of record, it can either be because matching is not enabled or the page layout was not customized to show email matching.  The latter is discussed below.

Sign in to Match My Email.  In the Email Cloud view, if matching is enabled and Match My Email could make the match based on email address or precision tag, you should see the Opportunity (or other record type) in the far right Matches column.  When matching data is shown in Email Cloud, the email message data is in Salesforce and it is an issue of a missing component on the object’s page layout.  A Salesforce System Administrator would need to complete the following steps to place the component on the Lightning Record pages.

To install the Visualforce component on the Opportunity page layout (as an example):

  1. In Salesforce, click the Gear and choose Setup.  In the left sidebar, navigate to Objects and Fields > Object Manager.  Scroll to find the Opportunity label and click on it.
  2. On left sidebar, click on Lightning Record Pages.  If you see a page listed as in screenshot below, click on that page name and on next screen click Edit.  (If you do not see pages listed, your Lightning Record Page has not been activated.  Go to any Opportunity record, click the Gear Icon and Choose Edit Page.)
  3. On the left, scroll down to Custom Managed components and locate Email Messages.  (Do not worry about the MME Email Helper.)  Click on Email Messages and drag it to a position under Past Activity but within the same white box (i.e. tab).
  4. If it will not fit into this space, you may want to drag over a tab from the Standard components on the left.  Then place the Email Messages component in this tab.  This will ensure the background is white since the Email Messages component is transparent.  There is also the option to add a custom tab and place Email Messages there.
  5. Once placed, click Save and wait until change is saved.  (If you need to activate your Lightning Record Page, click Activate.  Click on Assign As Org Default button and proceed through to save this activation.)

With the Visualforce component on the page layout, visit an Opportunity record to which emails have matched.  Scrolling down to where the component was placed, the email data should be visible.  These steps would be repeated for every object and every Lightning Record Page onto which you would want to see matched emails.


**Please note:**

  • When you are using multiple page layouts for a particular record type, the above steps would need to be repeated to put the component on each of the page layouts used.
  • The Visualforce component is a custom object.  Any Salesforce User with a standard level profile may need to have permissions granted. This can be done at the User level in permission set assignments, or by cloning their profile, adding custom object permissions for Match My Email objects (Email Messages, Email Message Related Objects, Secondary Email Addresses, and Matching Rules), and then reassigning new profile to user.

For assistance with Classic Page layouts, please contact