Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Seamless Email Integration for Salesforce Enables Total Email Capture in Shared Salesforce Records

How many times have you heard these excuses after a sales blunder? “I wasn’t cc:ed on that email!” “I can’t see your mailbox so you better cc: me next time.” “If you don’t copy me on emails, I can’t know what you are saying to the client.”

Emails are private by design. Security requires that email data be siloed and only accessible to addressees. It’s a glaring hole in the professional communication transparency you need to close new business. If you don’t cc: colleagues on an email, they don’t even know you sent it. Unfortunately, the segregated nature of email data can cause customer slip-ups, gaffes, and faux pas that can upset a transaction and undermine customer trust and satisfaction.

The solution to the cc: problem is to make it obsolete. CC:ing everyone on the sales team on a customer email is inefficient and inelegant. It makes the sales process cumbersome. Deploying a total email capture app for Salesforce like Match My Email eliminates the need for cc:ing. MME matches emails from any source to every relevant Salesforce record automatically in the background, in the cloud, 24/7/365 in real time. Users don’t have to think about email syncing and logging again. The cloud can take care of it more accurately and consistently with zero manual intervention.

Match My Email creates a wealth of email data in Salesforce. Every email is matched to a Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Case and/or custom record automatically based on email address matching or keyword matching. So, if the customer’s email address is in the header of the email, the app will find it and link the email automatically to all the relevant records in Salesforce. Emails are stored in chronological order and presented for ease of use. Emails in Salesforce can be read by simply hovering over them; no need to open and close each email in order to read it.

By capturing every email, your sales team will have the peace of mind that they have access to all customer correspondence in Salesforce. If you want to limit employee access to customer facing emails sent by executives, but want to continue to let them see the emails of colleagues, that can be configured with Salesforce privacy and sharing settings. Even if an employee leaves the company, his or her emails will still be saved in the relevant Salesforce records. Turnover will no longer result in a loss of institutional memory.

Seamless email capture for Salesforce will save you time, money, and all of the lost productivity caused by missing correspondence and inconsistencies.

Try Match My Email today.