Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Never Miss an Email in Salesforce Again

Never Miss an Email in Salesforce Again

One lunch hour a Sales Manager at our parent company lost a deal after an important email was missing in Salesforce. A client had phoned in while a Sales Rep was on lunch break to finalize a price negotiation. The Sales Manager couldn’t see what the Sales Rep had said to the client about price because the Sales Rep had forgotten to log that morning’s emails into Salesforce. When the client asked the Sales Manager if he “could do better to fit the deal within his budget”?, the Sales Manager didn’t know what to say because he couldn’t see the email thread. He had no idea that a special price had been emailed to the client less than one hour ago so he proposed a standard discount. The Sales Manager’s response irritated the client who had already rejected the standard discount and was looking for more. Suffice it to say, the deal was lost because the Sales Manager couldn’t see the email thread in Salesforce and subsequently lost the client’s trust.

Why did we develop Match My Email?

That incident prompted our development team to create Match My Email so our sales team would never lose a deal again because of a missing email in Salesforce.

That was back in 2010. Ten years later Match My Email offers the same promise. Total automated email capture in Salesforce in the cloud. The app is “set up and forget” and works completely in background. Sales rep are freed from the mindless drudgery of logging emails to Salesforce. The app does all the work and it does it effortlessly. The app works with virtually every email system – Office 365, Outlook, Gmail, G Suite, Apple Mail and IMAP.

Perfecting automated email capture was not easy. Our development team had to solve hundreds of technical issues and add dozens of ease-of-use features. Ten years later the app is sophisticated and customizable yet easy to use and increases Salesforce productivity by 15%. Your team can focus their time on closing more business and forget about individually logging emails. Managers and administrators are equipped with reliable email data for consistent, accurate reporting.

Automated Email Capture Completes the Sales Cloud and Financial Cloud Experience

If you are looking for a clean interface in Salesforce that shows every email in your INBOX and SENT folders that matches them and uploads them automatically to standard and customer records – with no duplicates – then Match My Email is the solution for our organization.If you want independent verification of the excellence of Match My Email please check out the reviews on Capterra and the AppExchange. Our customers love the app and our customer service.

If you would like to see a Live Demo of the app and all its benefits, please add a Live Demo to Malcolm’s calendar at

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