Increase Adoption with Automated Email Syncing and Logging

At Dreamforce in session after session , the theme was user adoption. How do you get sales professionals to use Sales reps don’t necessarily like technology and data entry; they like the chase – winning someone over and closing a deal. Again, in session after session, the solution to the adoption dilemma was the […]

Please Add My Emails to Automatically

The following is a letter from Ricardo Lacombe, Filmmaker/Director: I am busy, super super busy. I need a CRM system that is as efficient as possible. I don’t have time to waste. When I open, I want to see all the emails – TO:, FROM:, CC:, and BCC: — inside each page layout. I […]

Small Is Beautiful: Cloud Technologies Favor Small Companies with the Match My Email Add-On Offers Exceptional Value to SMB’s For most things in life, the more you buy the lower the unit price. Volume discounts are the norm in commercial and private transactions. Purchasing volume translates into pricing power. But in the cloud, surprisingly, the inverse relationship often takes place; small consumers […]