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Why didn’t my Email message match into Salesforce?



There are several reasons why an email might not match:

  • email message did not get imported into Match My Email (MME) cloud
  • there is no Salesforce record with that email address
  • a typo in the email address from Salesforce record or maybe in email address of Sender/Recipient
  • an Ignore rule preventing that email address to match.


First, determine if the email message is in the Email Cloud.

Remember, the Email Cloud is the temporary holding cloud for 45 days of email copies from your selected folders.  As long as the email was sent or received within the last 45 days and was in a folder selected for import, one would expect to see it in the Email Cloud.

  • Sign in to Match My Email (click the webtab in Salesforce  OR   click the Sign in with Salesforce button at or for European Customers
  • At the top right, click the funnel or filter button.  Above the always visible buttons, you will now see the options for filtering the Email Cloud contents
  • Use the Search field to enter a name or email address, something that will more uniquely identify the email message.
  • Change the View By choice to All and click Refresh to apply these filters.  Are you able to find the email?


A. Can you find the email message in question in the list.  If so, then note the information displayed in the far right column.

  1. If it has an Ignore status, hover over the “Ignore” in right column.  A window will pop-up to show details and will provide the email address for which Ignore happened.  In MME Control Panel, click Ignores in left menu and find the pertinent ignore rule.  If the Ignore Type for that email address is ‘Skip Email Containing Address’, then our system will not only ignore matching for the desired email address but will then ignore any processing for the entire email, thus not matching the email as desired.  In this case you would want to change the Ignore Type to ‘Skip Address’.  If you do not want this address ignored at all, then it was added by mistake. Click Delete for this rule. Return to the Email Cloud, select the message and click the Reprocess button to manually reprocess.
  2. If it has a No Match status, confirm that there is a record in Salesforce that matches the email address that should have matched.  Check for typos in the email address in the Salesforce record as well as the address that was entered when the message was sent.
  3. If it has a No Match status, confirm that the email address used is not an alternative address for that Lead or Contact that might differ from the email address in the standard email field.  Do you have custom email fields that contain secondary email addresses?  If this is the case, contact our support team for options on matching to custom email fields.


If the message is not in the Email Cloud


B. If you cannot find the email message in the MME cloud, then it was not imported.

  1. In what email folder is the email currently found? By default, the Inbox and Sent folders are selected but that could have been changed by your administrator on the account.  Match My Email runs processing cycles every 20 minutes. If the email messages was quickly moved out of Inbox and into a subfolder not selected for import within the 20-minute period between our system’s processing cycles, it could have therefore been “hidden” from the app.  Ask an Administrator to navigate to the Match My Email Control Panel and to your specific Import folder list to confirm all folders are selected that should be available for import, such as Inbox and all Sent folders, and perhaps importing Subfolders.  (In the future, if a message is left in Inbox or Sent for 20 minutes before being moved, the message will make its way into the Email Cloud.)
  2.  If User has POP3, email client would not outgoing messages to be saved in Sent folder on email server.  For this issue, User should switch to IMAP instead of POP3 and make sure outgoing messages are saved in Sent/Sent Items/Sent Messages folder on IMAP server.


If it appears emails are still missing, please contact