Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Why Our Salesforce Email Integration Technology Is So Unique

A cluster of yellow golf balls labeled "RANGE" surrounds a single white golf ball displaying the same label. The balls are densely packed, creating a vibrant contrast between the yellow balls and the solitary white one, much like how seamless email integration within Salesforce stands out in modern technology.

When we ask customers why they picked Match My Email, they usually respond with one word, “MultiMatch”. What is MultiMatch? Why is it better? What makes it unique among the email integration tools for Salesforce?

MultiMatch is a completely new and different way of storing emails in Salesforce. Instead of syncing and uploading an email to a particular record in Salesforce, MultiMatch uploads the email to central file called Email Messages. From that central repository, the emails of linked to the relevant Salesforce records using links – similar to url links. Technically, the links are called RELATED OBJECT LINKS in Salesforce. Linking one email to multiple records using ‘related object links’ saves a lot of storage space. Instead of uploading the whole email and its attachments into each record – Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Case, Campaign or custom record – the MultiMatch architecture only needs to upload it once to Salesforce. Then the tiny ‘related object links” make the email visible in the Email Message section of a Page Layout of a Salesforce record. The architecture is brilliant, simple and flexible.

By using “links” to make the emails visible within a Salesforce record, the MultiMatch technology can sync emails to multiple Salesforce records at once. The syncing algorithms are not limited to one record at a time. For example, if three email addresses in the header of the email match to the email address fields in three Contacts, the app will “multimatch” to all three Contacts at once. That is why MultiMatch technology is described as “multiple email address and Salesforce object matching”. MultiMatch is so flexibile it can handle one to one matching, one to many matching, and many to many matching.

MultiMatch’s linking technology can also be used to match emails to custom records or custom fields in Standard records. In addition, the algorithms can be finetuned to also take into consideration ‘filters’. For example, the MultiMatcher can be programmed to only match emails to Opportunities that are ‘Open’.

The MultiMatch algorithm can be further customized to match emails by more than just full email address. Emails can be matched by DOMAIN NAME or WORD(S) in the SUBJECT LINE or SalesforceID body tags. Or a combination of those email attributes. That is how flexible the technology is. Based on an abstraction of the APEX scripting language, most customizations can be accomplished with less than 10 lines of code and under two hours – from start to finish – definition, coding, testing, deployment.

MultiMatch takes email syncing to the next level. It guarantees that the email lists in Salesforce are 100% accurate. That the email views in Salesforce are complete and up-to-date – whether the user is in Classic, Lightning or Salesforce1. With MultiMatch, users can rely on the email information in Salesforce knowing that it is 100% trustworthy. There can be no missing emails that could cause a customer-facing misstep.

Value proposition for the CFO: Match My Email saves the average Salesforce user 1 hour of time per week by automating the email syncing process. It increases Salesforce usage and ROI.

The best way to see the app is to schedule a Live Demo with our Product Manager. Use the scheduling tools on the home page – — to put a live demo or free trial setup of Match My Email on our shared calendar. It will be one of the best investments your organization ever makes.

Try Match My Email today.