Here is a check list to help you see if Match My Email is exactly right for you.
- We use an email system other than Outlook and Gmail like Rackspace, GoDaddy, 1&1, Network Solutions, Sherweb etc.
- Some of us use Outlook on MacIntosh
- Some of us are on different email systems
- Everyone is on a different mobile device – Apple, Android, Blackberry, Nokia
- We send a lot of emails from our smartphones
- I am too lazy to manually log emails to
- I am a control freak. I want every email in Salesforce in the right record, but am too busy to do it manually
- My boss is a control freaks and wants to monitor our business emails in real time
- We want to get our old emails into Salesforce for free
- We want to track Cold Leads and Orphan Leads
The best way to see all the new features and benefits of Match My Email is to schedule a live demo. If you have 20 minutes to spare, pick a date and time and Match My Email will schedule a GoToMeeting session. Send your request to