If you have a GoDaddy email account then your #1 pain point with Salesforce has been email integration. Salesforce simply does not offer an email syncing tool that working with legacy GoDaddy email accounts, previously marketed under the Unlimited Email brand. New GoDaddy email subscribers will encounter fewer diificulties because the new GoDaddy email offerings — Email Essentials, Online Essentials and Business Premium — are based on Office 365 from Microsoft.
Match My Email can solve the Salesforce email integration troubles that GoDaddy email users experience. Rated 4.9 out of 5.0 on the AppExchange, Match My Email syncs emails automatically from all types of GoDaddy email accounts, including GoDaddy Unlimited. No need to stress, Match My Email will solve your email syncing and logging needs without making you migrate to a new email system.
GoDaddy is the world’s largest domain registrar and has 13 million customers. Its Business Applications unit which includes email is generating revenue at a $160 million annual run rate which means that GoDaddy has a large market share in the very small business email market. GoDaddy traditionally offered homegrown email technology under the Workspace brand but switched to Microsoft Office 365 around the time of its initial public offering. In the email space, GoDaddy is yet another vassal of Microsoft.
Salesforce.com is the fastest growing CRM vendor in the world. With millions of users, Salesforce offers state-of-the-art CRM functionality in the cloud.
However, Salesforce does not offer email integration tools that can connect to GoDaddy’s legacy email system called GoDaddy Workspace, Unlimited Edition.
Match My Email Works With GoDaddy
Match My Email works seamlessly with both GoDaddy’s new and old email offerings because it is based on the IMAP open standard. IMAP is the lingua franca of email. Virtually, every email systems works with IMAP and IMAP works on virtually every type of computer and mobile device – PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux – regardless of what email client is used – webmail, Outlook, Gmail, MacMail, or Thunderbird etc.
Match My Email works at the network level. Every twenty minutes it uploads copies of emails from the user’s INBOX and SENT ITEMS and syncs them automatically in background to associated Salesforce records like Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Cases and Custom Records.
In addition to being cross platform compatible, Match My Email incorporates the latest Salesforce visualization technologies like Visualforce so the emails are presented excellently in Salesforce, are easy to find and easy to manage. It features comprehensive de-duplication to reduce the email clutter that is typically created by Salesforce email syncing apps and filters out signature logo images to clean up Salesforce File Storage. Match My Email includes the most extensive email integration tools available for Salesforce.ocm.
Match My Email is a ‘once and done’ app. After a one-time setup, the system works automatically in background adding emails from the user’s INBOX and SENT folders directly into Salesforce records, completely automatically, with no user intervention or action required.
Match My Email offers a free 30-day trial for one or all users of a Salesforce deployment. During the trial period, Match My Email’s amazing Support Staff will train users and implement Best Practices – for free.
Install Match My Email for Free
Match My Email is the #1 app on the AppExchange for GoDaddy email users. Match My Email balances automation, de-duplication, usability and privacy setting in a well-tuned app that saves Salesforce users time about 3 hours of work each month and creates a ‘perfect’ record of customer email correspondence in Salesforce.
The best way to see the power of Match My Email is to schedule a Live Demo. Just click on this link to use Match My Email’s online scheduling tool.