Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Breakthrough Technology — Multiple Address and Object Matching

At Cloudforce 2011 on November 30th at the Jacobs Javits Center in New York, Match My Email Will Unveil A New Radical New Approach to Email Integration for called Multiple Email Address and Object Matching©. 


Tarrytown, New York.  November 29, 2011.  Match My Email will release a revolutionary, new version of its cloud application, Match My Email.  Match My Email offers fully automatic email integration, syncing and logging for  The new version called ‘MultiMatch©’ will be first demonstrated at Cloudforce 2011 on November 30th at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York City.

Email integration has been described as the #1 pain point for users.  Up until now, email integration tools have been labor intensive and difficult to use.   They involve software plug-ins, manual bcc: routing and intrusive workflows that forced the end-user to do most of the hard work of matching emails to the right records.  Generally, they fall out of use as the underlying software becomes incompatible such as with Outlook 2003 and Apple Mail.

Match My Email was designed from the ground up to provide fully automatic email integration.  It is a cloud service, so it requires no software plug-ins or updates.  It is based on the IMAP standard so it works with virtually every modern email server or service and is future proof.  It is based on an algorithm that mimics the way users think and work so that all matching is done automatically, correctly and in background.

With the introduction of ‘multiple address and object matching©’, Match My Email adds another unique feature.  It is the first email integration tool based on one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one and many-to-many matching; previous tools utilized only one-to-one matching.

Now every email address in an email will be matched to every relevant object in, whether they are Leads, Contacts, Opportunities, Accounts or Cases.  This means that no email can be lost or misplaced with Match My Email.  All email communicates with clients — whether inbound or outbound — will be capture in the right record in

Match My Email has other advantages.  It works with up to 5 inboxes simultaneously per user and 10 email domains per account.  It includes an Ignore feature that will block any combination of sender, recipient or domain from ever being uploaded into  Finally, it allows for the creation of custom reports that can be converted into Chatter feeds and viewed on mobile devices.

 In summary Match My Email is designed to eliminate the need for user intervention in the email sorting process and to fully automate email logging.  MME only requires the user to set up Inbox folder imports, Salesforce credentials and two Salesforce custom objects.  The service does all the hard work of syncing and logging emails to Leads, Opportunities, Contacts, Accounts and Cases.  This cloud application works completely in background and requires no user interaction once the system has been set up.

Now Salesforce users can rest assured that every customer email that they send or receive is in and logged to the relevant Salesforce records.

Match My Email is “Automatic. Convenient.  Effortless.”


About RAE Internet

RAE Internet, Inc., headquartered in Tarrytown, N.Y., is the developer of Match My Email and the Mailspect line of products as well as a reseller of F-PROT Antivirus and Cloudmark Authority.  Match My Email is the first fully automatic email integration, syncing and logging cloud application for  The Mailspect platform is used by email administrators at enterprises, email service providers, schools and governments to protect and extract value from the email stream at either the gateway or mail server level.   Mailspect Defense integrates with the leading antivirus and antispam engines (i.e., Clamd, Cloudmark, ESET, F-PROT, Mailshell, Sophos and Spamassassin).  Mailspect Archive enables organizations to comply with email retention rules and regulations as well as provides a comprehensive suite of email routing, data loss protection, database integration and management tools.

Info:  Simone Duncan, info (a)

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