Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Less Work, Better Data, More Transparency

Less Work, Better Data, More Transparency

Match My Email specializes in email integration for Salesforce. The promise of the app is “Less Work, Better Data, More Transparency”.

Less Work

Match My Email fully automates the syncing and logging of emails to Salesforce. The app is pure cloud technology – no plugins or add-ons. With just username and password, an end-user activates his or her account. From then on, the app is set up and forget, once and done.

Match My Email has worked really hard to make user setup and management super easy. The Match My Email Office 365 version has achieved three-click user setup from a remote control panel; the Gmail and IMAP versions take a few more steps but user deployment still takes only 3 minutes per user. Match My Email is less work to deploy and maintain.

By eliminating the manual data entry of emails into Salesforce records, Match My Email saves the average Salesforce user 1 hour of work per week. Automatic Salesforce email integration adds every email to the right Salesforce record in the cloud with on user involvement. The app is completely machine to machine. Manual data scrapping is boring and time-consuming. Match My Email makes clicking the ‘add to salesforce’ button a thing of past, so Match My Email is less work for end users on a daily basis versus a manual plugin.

Better Data

Manual email syncing to Salesforce is hit or miss. Users get tired of the daily chore of scraping data from their Inboxes to Salesforce. Invariably a user will forget to sync their emails or be busy doing something else. These honest errors and omission make the email log in Salesforce incomplete and unreliable.

Automated email syncing in the cloud – no plugin or addon – create a perfect email log in Salesforce. No emails are missing. The data can be relied on. Usage of Salesforce goes up. Better data in Salesforce improves the sales process and make sales professional more effective because they can rely on the information in the CRM.

More Transparency

Once Salesforce is populated with email data then it is possible to create useful report, dashboards and List Views. List Views can track ‘cold’ Leads or Contacts, e.g., Leads or Contacts who have not emailed or been emailed in the past week. A report could track ‘hot’ Accounts, e.g., Accounts that have been active in the past 24 hours. It is possible to create an ‘Unanswered’ list; this list would show ‘matched’ emails by customer-owner that have not yet been replied to. Once the sales rep replies to the ‘unreplied’ email, it will drop off the list. So instead of searching through long lists of emails in the user’s Inbox or in Salesforce records, the user has more transparency, i.e., they can see at a glance which customers need attention.

Email Automation

In combination with the SFDC mail templates and Match My Email enhancements like Reply and Forward, response emailing can be automated. Sales reps can work their email To-Do lists quickly. List Views show a sales rep which customers need attention. The sales rep can choose from a selection of pre-formatted templates with Mail Merge fields so there are no spelling mistakes. Once the follow-up email is sent, it will drop from the List View list.

The best way to see the power and depth of Match My Email is to schedule a Live Demo.

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