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Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Super Easy End-User Setup of Salesforce Email Integration for Microsoft 365

Super Easy End-User Setup of Salesforce Email Integration for Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 and Salesforce have two things in common; both cloud platforms have great APIs and support OAuth or Open Authentication. Match My Email’s engineers have released a new version of their integration-as-a-service app for Salesforce and Microsoft 365 that leverages these common technologies. The new version removes the end-user completely from the setup process and puts all the tools needed to activate end-users in the hands of an admin.

New Release of Match My Email Enables Admin to Set Up and Authenticate End-Users Completely in Background

The new Microsoft 365 – Salesforce version of Match My Email makes it possible to admins in companies large and small to activate or de-activate end-users in the background. End-users don’t have to download any software or even enter passwords or tokens for the app to sync their inbound and outbound emails to Salesforce records. The admin simply chooses the Salesforce users that he or she wants to activate and clicks Create. The app can be setup by the owner of a Match My Email account who is both an Microsoft 365 admin and a Salesforce admin – what Match My Email calls a ‘triple admin’.

OAuth has the further advantage that it eliminates the need to update passwords. If an end-user changes their Microsoft 365 or Salesforce password, Match My Email continues to authenticate to both Office 365 or Salesforce because the OAuth security string is unaffected by the password change.

If you are a Salesforce admin and your company also uses Microsoft 365, you can provide your end-users with automated email integration between Microsoft 365 and Salesforce without involving your end-users in the setup process at all. Your end-users will see the new Match My Email functionality in Salesforce after you, the admin, has setup the app in background through the new Match My Email control panel.

The best way to see the power and ease-of-use of Match My Email is to schedule a Live Demo at

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