Buying Salesforce without knowing how to unlock the power of a customer relationship management solution is like buying the biggest, new Lego set without how-to-build instructions. If you’re lucky enough to have an experienced Salesforce Admin to assist you in customizing your business’ Salesforce deployment then you’re well on your way to making Salesforce work for you. However, after working on Salesforce for an extended period of time you’ve probably run into a few of the product’s shortcomings.
Adding Third Party Apps that increase Salesforce effectiveness
Not to worry, the AppExchange can help you solve the functionality issues that your business has encountered. The AppExchange consists of over 3,400 apps and is constantly evolving to meet consumer demands.
In the case of Match My Email (MME), it resolves the shortcomings of Salesforce’s email capture tools. Match My Email can be tailored to fit the specific workflow of your business and industry. Here’s an example of how MME has empowered a new Salesforce user to get the most from the CRM.
Recently an appraisals company came to us asking if we’d be able to log all of their emails regarding a specific property into their custom “properties” record automatically. We said, “no problem”. Our technicians helped develop a custom solution for the company that involved a tiered sorting strategy. The custom algorithm first searched for emails that contained the specific property address.
For example, if any email mentioned 1 Vanderbilt Avenue, then that email would automatically be uploaded into the 1 Vanderbilt property record in the company’s Salesforce deployment. However, if the property address was not mentioned in the email, then the algorithm searched for email addresses associated with contacts working on that property listings. For example, if the owner of the property’s name was Harry Macklowe, all emails from Harry Macklowe would be saved in the One Vanderbilt property record (as well as the Harry Macklowe contact record in Salesforce).
This feature can match emails to lots of contacts at once and can even be extended to include all emails with a specific domain name. Finally, if the app still can’t figure out where to log an email, it includes a feature which allows users to easily sort and sync “unmatched” emails into the right Salesforce record(s).
After the initial excitement of getting Salesforce has worn off and functionality issues begin to appear, turn to the AppExchange to find the answer to your problems. And, if your problem happens to be sorting and logging emails into your Salesforce account, there’s no better app than MME to deliver a custom solution to your specific problem.