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MME Technology Blog

Adding Task Type Dropdown to Salesforce Lightning Task Layout

Adding Task Type Dropdown to Salesforce Lightning Task Layout

Most Salesforce users use Tasks to prompt follow-up or follow-on actions. Tasks are an intuitive way to organize workflows in Salesforce. The layout of the Task object in Salesforce Classic is a time-tested design and user friendly. Salesforce Classic users are often disappointed that the Lightning Task object is different and missing some ‘key’ features. This article addresses one of those missing features, i.e., the Task Type dropdown.

[An article on Adding the Comments field to a Task Object in Lightning can be found at]

Task Type is a Popular Classic Feature that can be Recreated in a Lightning Task Layout

There are two kinds of Tasks: Open and Closed. They both configured using the same User Interface layout tools in Salesforce but appear in two different places in the Task Layout when implemented. Open Tasks appear in Open Activities in Classic and Upcoming and Overdue Activities in Lightning. Closed Tasks appears in Activity History in Classic and by Month /Year in Lightning. The steps below will add the Task Type dropdown field into both Open and Closed Tasks using the Global Actions screen across Salesforce record types: Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Case or Custom Record.

1. Click on the Setup Gear Icon or Setup Heading on the Right Sidebar to open the Setup menu -> then click User Interface -> then click Global Actions -> then Global Actions again under Global Actions (confusing but correct). Then find and click on “Log a Call” label. Note there are two Log a Call Actions on the list. Pick the one without the little envelope with the arrow pointing down to it.
Pick the one without the little envelope with the arrow pointing down to it.

2. Click on Edit Layout
Click on Edit Layout

3. Grab the Type box from Task Fields and drop it in the Page Layout box below
Grab the Type box from Task Fields and drop it in the Page Layout box

4. Release and it will appear. Then Save.
Release and it will appear. Then Save.

The Task Type dropdown will now appear when you click on Log a Call which is a closed task. To add the Task Type dropdown to a New Task repeat the steps above but start on Step 1 with New Task, instead of Log a Call. Remember to click on the New Task item without the envelope and the down arrow.
Remember to click on the New Task item without the envelope and the down arrow.

About Match My Email

If you would like to make your Salesforce deployment even better, take a look at how automated email integration can increase productivity and user satisfaction. Match My Email, the leading automated syncing app for Salesforce, fixes the flaws in other email syncing tools and fills in their functionality gaps.

Match My Email syncs to multiple email addresses for the same Contact and/or Lead [MULTIMATCH], eliminates duplicates emails in Salesforce [DEDUPE], is fully customizable so it can sync to custom records [CUSTOM MATCH], can sync by unique attributes like names, words or numbers in Opportunities [PRECISION MATCH] and creates email meta-data that can be used to track email activity by customer or user [TRACKING]. For a Live Demo of the app, use this scheduling tool.

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