Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Adding Comment Field to Lightning Task Object

Salesforce interface showing lead management. On the left, lead details like name, Michael Norse, contact info, and address are listed. On the right, a task creation screen using the Lightning Task Object is open under the "New Task" tab, with fields for subject, due date, comments, etc.

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Transitioning Salesforce Users from Classic to Lighting is difficult. Salesforce Classic is like Coke Classic; users love it and they don’t want to change even if New Coke/Lightning might objectively be better. Lightning makes the transition even harder because the out-of-the-box Lightning interface is clumsy. Lightning also lacks Classic features that users had come to expect and rely upon.

One major missing Classic feature is related to the Task Object. Out-of-the-box the Comment field that users had come to expect in the Classic Task Object is missing in Lightning.

Out-of-the-Box Lightning Task Object Lacks Useful Comment Section Included in Classic Version

To add the Comment field into the Lightning Task Object for Lead / Account / Contact / Opportunity / Case or Custom records, please follow these steps:

1. Visit Setup -> User Interface -> Global Actions

2. Click on New Task Label to open it (last in the list above)

3. Click Edit Layout

4. Drag Comments field on Page Layout

5. Click Save (then answer yes to question related to Priority)

Give this Global Action a few minutes to take. With Lightning, an update to a global setting doesn’t propagate immediately.

About Match My Email

If you would like to make your Salesforce deployment even better, take a look at how automated email integration can increase productivity and user satisfaction. Match My Email, the leading automated syncing app for Salesforce, fixes the flaws in other email syncing tools and fills in their functionality gaps.

Match My Email syncs to multiple email addresses for the same Contact and/or Lead [MULTIMATCH], eliminates duplicates emails in Salesforce [DEDUPE], is fully customizable so it can sync to custom records [CUSTOM MATCH], can sync by unique attributes like names, words or numbers in Opportunities [PRECISION MATCH] and creates email meta-data that can be used to track email activity by customer or user [TRACKING]. For a Live Demo of the app, use this scheduling tool.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sf-widget-area”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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