Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

10 Years of Experience Stand Behind Most Advanced Email Syncing App on the AppExchange

Email integration is hard. Email integration is complicated. Getting emails into Salesforce from every source and every device in real time to just the right Salesforce record or records requires years of experience and the right technical approach. Match My Email has been focused on email integration for Salesforce for the past ten years. The Match My Email app solves the pain points associated in Salesforce’s email syncing tools, Salesforce INBOX and Einstein Email Capture. In a nutshell, the Salesforce technical architecture is flawed because it is a plug-in to Outlook or Gmail. Match My Email is a pure cloud app.

Email Integration for Salesforce That Really Works

First, to provide seamless email integration for Salesforce, an app must work in a ‘bring your own device’ IT environment. The app must be able to connect securely with every type of mailbox on the market and every kind of device – PC, MAC, iPhone and Android. The app must be flexible enough to work with multiple email domains at once — personal, business, third party and shared. Some Match My Email customers connect to over 100 email domains at once so they can consolidate the emails of an entire business ecosystem at once into one Salesforce ORG. Only Match My Email has built the flexible technology needed to deal with large, heterogeneous IT environments; all the other email syncing tools are in technical strait jackets limited to one type of mailbox or device or operating system.

Second, the syncing algorithms have to be able to match emails to SFDC records based on multiple attributes. Many customers have multiple email addresses. An email integration app needs to be able to sync to more than one email address per Contact or Lead. Match My Email can sync emails to multiple email identities for the same Contact – Email, Email 2, Email 3, etc. We call this MultiMatch.

Third, the syncing algorithms need to be able to match by different attributes, not just full email address. To build the ultimate automated email syncing app, emails need to match to Salesforce records based on (a) domain name or (b) words in the subject line or (c) record ID or (d) a tracking number in the body of the email. Match My Email can match an email based on different attributes to different record types. For example, by full email address to a Contact, by domain name to an Account and by Opportunity Name to an Opportunity and Case # to a Case, all at the same time for the same email. We call this Precision Match.

Fourth, emails need to be able to be synced to custom record types, Custom Match.

Fifth, the system needs to be able to deduplicate. User only want one copy of an email in Salesforce even it was sent to multiple members of the sales team or multiple Contacts in an Account. Match My Email also reduces attachment clutter by blocking inline signature logos and social media icons.

Sixth, the app needs to create lots of metadata about the emails so that users and managers can built reports that track email activity. Such reports or List Views can show if a customer is not responding to outbound emails or a sales rep forgot to answer an inbound email.

Seventh, the app needs to include a Control Panel from which a Salesforce Admin can add and delete users and control the privacy settings remotely with no user involvement. The app needs to connect to Office365 and G Suite via API so that passwords never need to be entered or reset.

Match My Email is a bargain. For just $22.95 per user per month, a Salesforce ORG can most out of its Salesforce investment. Match My Email users benefit from ten years of experience working with the evolving Salesforce platform. Match My Email’s feature set increases Salesforce productivity and SFDC adaption and usage rates. The quickest way to see the power of Match My Email is to schedule a Live Demo by using the scheduling tool at

Try Match My Email today.