Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

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Using Match My Email for Community Users


Match My Email can be configured so that Community users who do not have a SFDC license type that is ‘API-enabled under the ISVForce Program’ can still integrate emails to Salesforce automatically.  The method for adding Community Users is dependent on the age of your Match My Email account, considerations regarding email visibility to other Users and if you want Users to be able to view those emails in the Email Cloud, matched or not.

Adding an import in an older account (blue menu bar atop Email Cloud view) and using Domain-level credential:

For older Match My Email accounts (blue menu bar atop the Email Cloud view), Community Users can import and match their email into Salesforce via a domain level connection.  The domain level connection uses a System Administrator credential and emails matched to Salesforce will have the ownership or attribution of this person.  ‘Domain level’ integration has the advantage that it works with license types that don’t include ‘API enablement’ but the disadvantage that individual user privacy controls for full license users can be lost if they are not properly configured, i.e. all emails in SFDC are attributed to the ORG, not an individual user.  The End User/Community User can sign in to the Match My Email account, view emails in the Email Cloud matched or not, and manually match or create records.   Their profile in Salesforce may need to be modified to have custom object permissions in order to see data in the Email Messages object if it is being used.

When an organization has Users that are Community Users in Salesforce, the profile can be configured to grant Match My Email permissions and then modify Salesforce Integration in the MME account.

First, add custom object permissions to Community User profile:

  1. In Salesforce, navigate to Setup > Profiles.
  2. Find the Community User profile and click Clone at the top.
  3. Name the new profile Community User Custom
  4. For the new profile, click into Object Settings (enhanced view) or scroll down. You are looking for Custom Object Permissions.
  5. Enable Read, Create, Edit and Delete for Email Messages, Email Message Related Objects, Matching Rules, Secondary Email Addresses, and Recent.
  6. Save changes.

Second, modify Salesforce Integration within MME account:

  1. Cloud Admin signs in to Match My Email.
  2. Go to Settings > Salesforce Integration
  3. If a domain level listing (in Applies To column one sees just an email domain) already exists, click once on that line.
    a. In pop-up window, top right check the box for Use as Default for End User.
    b. Click Save at bottom.
  4. If a domain level listing doesn’t exist, click the +New button
  5. a. In pop up window, at top right for Applies To use drop down to choose domain.
    b. Check box for Use As Default for End User
    c. Click Grant
    d. Leave as Production (unless this is Sandbox install) and click Next.
    e. This will jump to Salesforce in which the login should be for the Community User identity, click Allow.
    f. Back in Match My Email, you can expand Matching Rules if adjustments are needed and then click Save.

The domain level listing will serve as the means for User emails to upload into Salesforce on match. Even Users with their own SFDC license that do not setup their own personal license will result in matches moving through the Community User setting.


Another method for bringing email into Salesforce for Community Users is to add a second import to the seat of an already activated User, what we call “piggybacking” an import.  All Match My Email accounts allow you to add second (or more) imports.   Accounts that make use of the Control Panel (accounts after June 2019) can not only add a second import but instead opt or adding Additional User Types in their account settings.  These methods are described below.

Determine which current Match My Email User will be assigned a second import for the Community User’s email.  One consideration is that email flowing into Salesforce and matching will be owned by the main seat holder.  Nothing about the email changes in terms of the From or To, but for reporting purposes, email activity per Salesforce User would show that this one User is active for emails for both of their imports – their own and the additional User.  Another consideration is that the Match My Email seat holder can login to Match My Email and see all emails coming in from both imports, whether they are matched or not. Therefore, Community User emails, even those that are not matching into Salesforce, would be visible to the seat holder.  If passwords need to be updated, it is the seat holder that must sign in and update either their own import’s password, or the password of the Community User. The Community User has no credential  of their own to sign in to Match My Email with this method.

Adding a second import in an older account (blue menu bar atop Email Cloud view):

  1. Sign in to Match My Email as the seat holder User already active with MME.
  2. In blue menu bar, click Import.
  3. Click the New button to add an import.
  4. Fill in the fields as appropriate.
  5. The name will default to the email address assigned.
  6. The Import From field should show Domain as the option.
  7. In the Username field enter the email address of the Community User.  For password enter their email password.
  8. Click Refresh Folders.  Select and add Inbox, Sent, or folders as appropriate into the Selected Folders window on the left.
  9. Click Save at bottom. Within 20 minutes, the system will begin importing and matching email for the Community User.

Adding a second import to a new account (access to a Control Panel):

  1. A Match My Email administrative User signs in to Match My Email and selects Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Click Users on the far left menu.  In the list of  Users that appears, choose the User that will have the import ‘assigned’ as a 2nd import for the non-SFDC User license.  Click on that User’s name.
  3. In the panel to the right, click Email Imports. At the top of the next panel, click the + sign to add an import.
  4. In the next panel to the right, you will see the name is already Import 2.  Per settings in your account via the Email Service, either find the email account to assign within the global group or enter email address and email password for IMAP-connected accounts.
  5. Click Refresh Folders, select folders (default of Inbox and Sent should already be checked), and click Confirm at top.

Adding Additional Users Types via Control Panel

Match My Email accounts that use a Control Panel to manage settings have the ability to enable Additional Users Types.  These Users would then appear in your User list from which you can make decisions about activation. This means the email imported are not piggybacked on another User’s identity meaning assignment for email activity reporting is correct in Salesforce and privacy in the Email Cloud view is maintained.  However, with this method, Community Users are unable to sign in to the Email Cloud since we can only authenticate via SFDC licenses for cloud visibility.  It might be advised that a manager is given View All permission in order to see all email in the Email Cloud of all Users.

  1. Sign in to Match My Email and navigate to Settings > Control Panel.
  2. Click on Company > Salesforce Settings.
  3. Scroll to find the section Additional User Types. Check the boxes as appropriate for your organization.  Click Save at the top.
  4. On the left, click Users.  The list of active Salesforce Users should now also contain the names of Community Users. If not, click the Sync button at top and refresh page.
  5. Click the toggle for a User and follow steps in the panel opening at the right to pick Email Service, pick their email account or for IMAP enter the email address and password. Select Folders and confirm import via top button.
  6. You will then see the toggle is blue indicating that User has been activated and Match My Email will begin matching email for them within 20 minutes.