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Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Why Automated Salesforce Email Integration is so important in the summertime!

Salesforce Email Integration App, Match My Email

A cloud-based Saleforce email integration app like Match My Email is the solution to the stress of an email getting lost because someone is on vacation.

Summer is approaching (at least in the Northern Hemisphere). That means it is time to start scheduling vacations. Vacations are great for the vacationer but they cause stress for the rest of the sales team that stays at home. Vacations increase the chance that something will be missed, especially if that something is an email that is silo’ed in the email account of a vacationing sales professional.

Salesforce Email Integration App, Match My EmailCloud-based CRM systems like help. is great at sharing contacts, calendars and tasks while someone is away on holiday. What Salesforce doesn’t do well is email integration. Salesforce provides a tool for Windows users of Outlook called Salesforce for Outlook. This tool requires the user to click a button to log an email to Salesforce. If the sales rep is on the beach, or hiking in the mountains or flying to the other side of the world, emails don’t get clicked and they don’t make it to Salesforce. That means that the sales team left behind has no way of knowing that an important customer email has been sent or received – hopefully that missing email is not the key to closing a deal.

A Salesforce Email Integration App To The Rescue

The solution to an email disappearing in a ‘black hole’, read vacation, is to use a cloud-based Salesforce email integration app like Match My Email that is fully automated, works in background and is always on. The advantage of an integration cloud is that it works at the Internet level computer to computer; no human action or intervention is required for emails to be uploaded to Salesforce in the right record(s) and in real time. The system simply works 24/7/365 relentlessly and tirelessly looking for matches between the emails in the sales rep’s mailbox – while he or she is vacation or not — and records in Salesforce. Matching and syncing are based on email addresses which are the best unique identifiers. When an email address in found in the email that matches an email address field in a Salesforce record, a copy of the email is immediately uploaded from the email cloud to the Salesforce cloud – via the Match My Email cloud.

Since SFDC records are shared in most sales organizations amongst the sales team, with automated email integration in the cloud, the email correspondence between the vacationing employee and the external prospect or customer can be immediately seen by the sales team at home covering for the vacationer.

Automated email integration is a great stress reducer. Vacations no longer need to be stressful because an important email communications might fall through the cracks and a deal might be lost. Match My Email will sync and log every email between your prospects and customers automatically to your shared records in Salesforce so you can enjoy your vacation.

Try Match My Email today.