Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Using Email Activity in Salesforce to Spot Problem Accounts

Screenshot of a Salesforce interface showing a new list view titled "Cold." The page displays a table with various columns such as Name, Owner, Last Email Sent, and Last Email Received. Instructions are written on the image, highlighting new features and data filters, specifically around tracking email activity.

Salesforce is a powerful productivity tool. It helps sales reps and managers get their jobs done with less effort and stress. By storing customer data and activities in one central repository in the cloud that is accessible from any WIFI network, sales team efficiency can be improved to world-class levels.

The key to Salesforce’s effectiveness is the data in contains

The more robust the data; the most useful the CRM. Data can be divided into three categories:

  • Descriptive data (Details)
  • Activity Data (Activity)
  • Relationship Data (Related)

The power of Salesforce is that it gives sales managers, sales reps and sales operations a way to see data without being intrusive. Instead of wasting time sitting through long meetings questioning sales reps about customer status, managers, users and sales ops can look at the data in the CRM on their own schedule and at their own pace. Non-intrusive ways of accessing and assessing customer data also reduce stress because users are unaware that their performance is being checked.

Automatically tracking customer activity also gives users an efficient way of gauging customer status. A lack of activity can indicate the loss of interest; too much activity can highlight a problem of some sort.

Email frequency is an objective way of gauging account status

The key to tracking customer activity is the integration of email, phone and meeting data. Email data can be automatically synced and sorted to Salesforce using an email integration like Match My Email. MME captures every inbound and outbound email and links it to every relevant record in Salesforce. The app keeps track of email direction so reports and List Views can be created that show email activity by customer by direction by time period. This directional data can be used to show customer engagement or disengagement based on the number of emails to or from the customer. If the customer is not sending emails that lack of interest [Cold] can be automatically captured and displayed on the user’s Home page. Users can then work the List View to re-engage the customer. Conversely, if the customer is sending too many emails in a certain time period that fact can also be captured in Hot list view.

Phone calls can also be capture and integrated in Salesforce based on phone number matching. Meetings can be extracted from the Salesforce calendar.

All of this Activity data can be consolidated in an overall Activity report or List View (assuming the user has the right version of Salesforce – Professional with API enabled or higher).

The Custom Way to Integrate Email Automatically into Salesforce

Match My Email comes with a free Reports Package that includes pre-packaged reports and dashboards for tracking email activity by customer. Match My Email provides free implementation support of the Reports Package using GoToMeeting.

If your organization would benefit from account activity tracking, please schedule a Live Demo of Match My Email or free trial of the app. Match My Email works with most versions of Salesforce and more than 60+ email systems including the market leaders Microsoft Office365 and Exchange, Google and Apple.

Try Match My Email today.