Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Reconfiguring Lightning Record Page Layouts to Increase User Acceptance and Adoption

Screenshot of a Salesforce contact page for Den Staplemaster. It includes details like work and home phone numbers, email addresses, and addresses. The right sidebar shows activity timeline and recent tasks. A map at the bottom left displays Den's location, showcasing user acceptance and adoption of reconfiguring Lightning Record Page Layouts.

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Salesforce Lightning has been a flop with my sales reps. I can’t get them to use the new interface. They prefer Classic and won’t move.

Since Salesforce is going to stop supporting Classic in 2019, this is a real problem.

Last week, I sat down with the sales reps and asked them why they hate Lightning. After getting through the typical snarky comments like ‘it should have been called Molasses’, I was able to get the sales reps to focus and tell me what they didn’t like about the interface.

Their complaints came down to the way that data is organized and presented in Lightning. Too much variability and too much wasted space – the important data is not front and center.

In Classic, data is presented in a consistent way from record type to record type – and organized in an intuitive way. In Lightning, data is disorganized and each record type layout is different so the sales rep has to learn four or five different page layouts in order to navigate the CRM. Plus data is not organized in terms of importance. Unimportant data is presented in the foreground, while the data the sales rep needs are buried in the background.

Luckily, Lightning includes tools for formatting Record Page Layouts that are easy to use.

We started with the Contact Record. The sales rep complained that the default layout opened the RELATED tab in the foreground on the left section of the screen and placed the DETAILS tab in the background. The sales reps wanted to see the more important information in the DETAILS tab; they rarely look at the RELATED tab.

This was an easy fix and here is how you can do it.

  1. Open a Contact and click the GEAR ICON
  2. Click EDIT PAGE
  3. Click on the RIGHT SECTION which opens a TABS panel on the left
  4. Change the default TAB to DETAILS
  5. Switch the TAB order by moving the DETAILS tab up
  6. And then click SAVE

We also have provided a short video (1 minute 19 seconds) of the steps if you want a visual tutorial.

About Match My Email

If you would like to make your Salesforce deployment even better, take a look at how automated email integration can increase productivity and user satisfaction. Match My Email, the leading automated syncing app for Salesforce, fixes the flaws in other email syncing tools and fills in their functionality gaps.

Match My Email syncs to multiple email addresses for the same Contact and/or Lead [MULTIMATCH], eliminates duplicates emails in Salesforce [DEDUPE], is fully customizable so it can sync to custom records [CUSTOM MATCH], can sync by unique attributes like names, words or numbers in Opportunities [PRECISION MATCH] and creates email meta-data that can be used to track email activity by customer or user [TRACKING]. For a Live Demo of the app, use this scheduling tool.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_widget_sidebar sidebar_id=”sf-widget-area”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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