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Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Match My Email Optimizes the User Experience by Eliminating Clicks Wherever Possible


Salesforce adoption is always a challenge. Users resist learning Salesforce, even though it will make their jobs easier and make them more successful. So any tool or app that can improve the Salesforce user experience is a “must have”.

Match My Email has been design from the ground up with efficiency in mind. The app’s designers have spent thousands of hours creating a user experience that is intuitive, easy to learn and easy to use. Just by eliminating manual email syncing and logging, and replacing it with fully automated Salesforce email integration, Match My Email is estimated to save the average user 9,600 clicks per year.

Optimize the Salesforce User Experience

Match My Email automatically files all emails from a user INBOX and SENT to the right Salesforce record or records in the cloud. That means that the app is always on and Salesforce is always up-to-date.

Match My Email has another advantage; it creates a ‘perfect’ record of all email correspondence in Salesforce. Users can rely on the email information in Salesforce to be 100% accurate because it is synced machine-to-machine, eliminating the chance of a human error or omission. “Perfect” email information in Salesforce results in fewer clicks and higher user satisfaction. Users no longer have to jump back and forth between Salesforce and their email account to figure out what is going on with a customer or prospect. Match My Email estimates that putting all emails at a user’s fingertips in Salesforce eliminates an amazing 37,800 clicks per year.

If Salesforce records are shared between sales team members – which is the SDFC norm — even more time is saved with Match My Email. Users no longer have to waste time asking their colleagues if they have emailed a customer without putting them on cc: because all emails are captured in Salesforce and shared for all to see.

Match My Email includes the capability to reply and forward directly from inside Salesforce record. This feature saves even more clicks because users don’t have to click back to their email account, find an email and then reply; they can do it immediately from inside the Salesforce record. It is estimated that reply and forward saves the average user 12,600 clicks per year.

Match My Email has been offered on the AppExchange for almost five years so it is seasoned app with at 4.9 out of 5.0 rating and excellent reviews. The app is Lightning Ready, Salesforce1 Ready and Classic Ready. It works with all Salesforce Editions. Match My Email is cloud technology based on the IMAP standard and can sync email for Outlook, Exchange, Gmail, Google Apps, MacMail, GoDaddy, Rackspace, Intermedia and 40+ other IMAP compatible email systems.

The best way to see the power of Match My Email is to schedule a Live Demo by using the scheduling tool on the web site.

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