Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Multiple Email Addresses for a Contact Still Remains the #1 Salesforce Complaint

Person typing on a laptop displaying an email inbox with multiple email addresses visible. The desk holds a smartphone, paper documents, coffee cup, and a pen. Two other individuals are partially visible in the background, engaged in conversation or work about a Salesforce complaint.

Twelve years ago, a Salesforce user named, Jaison Dolvane, made a suggestion in the IDEA FORUM.

“I would like to have multiple email addresses associated with a contact. A lot of times, the same contact uses different email addresses… If it’s possible to assign multiple email addresses to a contact, and have the email syncing tool automatically pick up the info when emails are sent or received from any of the email addresses in a Contact, it’ll be really helpful.”

2,193 votes later, 21,710 points open later, Salesforce still isn’t offering a solution.

“Hi all, thank you for your passion for this idea. We don’t plan to address this immediately on the roadmap, but we’ll continue to re-evaluate our priorities to see if we can fit this in.”
David Louie, Salesforce, 4 months ago

The truth be told. Salesforce can’t technically solve this request. The way the Sales Cloud stores email data doesn’t allow for a solution. It will never happen. If Salesforce were being forthright, David Louie would tell the community to look elsewhere. Go to AppExchange and get an email integration app like Match My Email that was architected to solved this requirement.

Match My Email Can Meet This Requirement for any Record Type – Contact, Lead, Account, Opportunity, Case, Custom

Match My Email can sync emails – inbound or outbound – to one or more email addresses associated with a SFDC Contact – or Lead, Account, Opportunity, Case, Custom Record for that matter. Match My Email can sync to multiple customer email address two ways different ways – that right Match My Email has two technical solutions to this intractable problem. The app can sync emails to one or more to custom email address fields in the Detail section of a Contact page or to a secondary email address Related List associated with a Contact page. Match My Email’s data architecture stores an email as a single and separate data element and then uses Related Object Links to the make the email visible in one or more Salesforce records. By managing the links, not the data, Match My Email is highly flexible and can sync emails based on multiple address fields in the Detail section of a Contact page.

Matching emails to multiple customer email addresses in a Contact is a core feature of every Match My Email version – G Suite, Office 365 or IMAP.

If you would like to see a Live Demo of the app, Malcolm, our demo master, will walk you through the app’s features and benefits on a GoToMeeting screen sharing session. You can put an appointment directly on his calendar.

Or to setup up a free trial and get it programmed to sync emails to multiple email addresses in a Contact page reach out to Ovidiu or Gail in Support.

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