Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

MME Comes out With a Cluster of New Releases

As an independent software vendor on Salesforce’s AppExchange, Match My Email can’t standstill for long. The ever-changing architecture of Salesforce and customer requirements push Match My Email to improve and adapt. That is why even during the COVID-19 pandemic, Match My Email has released three new versions of the product, MME Cloud 9.7.0-9.7.2. We are excited to share what we’ve done with our latest versions of the app.

Support for More Salesforce License Types

Since the release of Lightning, MME had been hearing from prospects and customers that they were frustrated with email integration support for Community users. Salesforce does not offer a native app that can automatically or manually capture Community users’ emails in SFDC records. Match My Email’s latest releases support Community user email integration with any device from any source, including G Suite, Office 365 (now Microsoft 360), Rackspace, GoDaddy 1&1, Zimbra, Open-Xchange and IMAP.

Mobile Phone Standard Field Added to Lead Creation

Mobile Phone number fields are now standard with Lightning in the Detail section of a SFDC Page Layout. When new Leads need to be created from emails, Match My Email users now have the option to populate a Mobile Phone field as well as the standard Phone field. This feature was added so that Match My Email would work more seamlessly with Mogli SMS.

Increased Customizability

Clients constantly come to Match My Email with specific custom requests and we always try to accommodate them. In the most recent case, a client wanted a notification that an email had been sent or received by a customer. The company wanted to capture the email’s date and time but they didn’t want the actual text of the email body to be uploaded to Salesforce. With our latest release, Match My Email cloud admins can now decide whether they’d like the body of user emails uploaded or not by simply checking or unchecking the Upload Body feature in the Control Panel.

Looking Forward

For those interested in what’s to come, Match My Email hopes to release a new email composer soon. As Salesforce migrates away from the use of Visualforce components in favor of Lightening Web Components, the app’s email composer will make the fundamental architectural change too. Lightening Web Components are known to be more dynamic for developers and to work better with Salesforce’s mobile app. Match My Email will leverage Lightening Web Components, to ensure users can get the most out of Salesforce whether on desktops or their phones.

Try Match My Email today.