Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Value Proposition: Labor Savings & Better Email Data in Salesforce

Value Proposition, Match My Email

Match My Email offers two fundamental benefits:  labor savings and better email data in Salesforce.  Both benefits can be traced to Match My Email’s unparalleled capability to automate the sorting and filing of emails into Salesforce records.

Labor Savings – Click Savings

Value Proposition, Match My EmailCut & paste and manual email integration tools force the end-user to take action each time an email needs to be filed into Salesforce.  Cut & paste can take as long as one minute per email.  Manual email integration tools are estimated to take 4 seconds per email.  Over time , these inefficiencies add up.  The average sales person needs to log 25 emails per business day to Salesforce to create a useable email record in Salesforce.  Based on a 240-day work year, cut & paste email logging will require 100 hours of work while a manual email integration tool like Salesforce for Outlook will use up 6.7 hours per year.  Based on just click savings, a $30 per hour end-user compensation rate and Match My Email’s $179.40 annual subscription price, Match My Email will save $21.60 per year per user.

Complete and Up-to-date Email Record in Salesforce (what we called a Canonical Email Record)

Match My Email creates a complete and up-to-date email record in Salesforce because it is fully automated.  All emails are logged and categorized in Salesforce automatically.  The Canonical Email Record – we use canonical in the sense of ‘one version of the email truth’ – has many benefits.

No More Jumping Back and Forth Between Salesforce and the Email Account – Jump Savings

Cut & paste or manual email integration approaches create an incomplete email record in Salesforce.  Because they are manual and depend on clicking a button(s), emails are missing because of omissions.  Omissions can be long term — someone forgot to log an email – or short term – someone is on vacation, traveling, sick, busy with something else etc.    An incomplete email record in Salesforce creates inefficiencies.  End-users need to double check their mailbox to make sure they are seeing the entire email interaction with a customer.  This jumping back and forth between Salesforce and the email client takes up a lot of time.  We estimate at least 90 second per inquiry or ‘jump’.  We also estimate that a sales person will do the ‘jump’ about 10 times per day.  Based on a 240-day work year, the ‘jumps’ will consume 60 hours of time per year.  Based just on ‘jumps’, a $30 per hour end-user compensation rate and Match My Email’s $179.40 annual subscription price, Match My Email will save $1,620 per year per user.

Email Sharing

The power of Salesforce is that it enables sales people to share information.  Salesforce is great at sharing Contacts, Tasks and Calendars but bad at sharing emails.  Match My Email closes this gap by creating a 100% complete shared email record in Salesforce accessible to all users (if they are given Read permission).   The key to email sharing is actually de-duplication.  Manual tools create multiple copies of the same email in Salesforce resulting in clutter.  Clutter annoys end users.   Match My Email offers comprehensive de-duplication, so there is no clutter.  In addition, manual tools only put an email in one record at a time – what we call Standard.  That means that a sales person cannot be sure that they are seeing all the shared emails in a record with a manual tool – it could be in another record.  Match My Email is based on MultiMatch.  All emails are visible in all associated records so the shared email log can be trusted.  With Match My Email, sales reps and managers can be sure that all the emails are there in the record  – their personal emails and those of the extended sales team.  We don’t know how to quantify this benefit but intuitively it is significant.  Having to make one phone call per day or send a text message to a collegiate will take a few minutes to double check the email communications with a customer.  Those minutes add up over time.

Better Email Data Means Faster Adoption and Higher SFDC Usage

The value of a CRM system is directly related to the amount of data in it.  By creating a canonical email log in Salesforce, Match My Email greatly increases the informational value of a deployment and thereby increases end-user adoption and usage. deployments with Match My Email see hourly and daily usage rates skyrocket.

Import Old Emails Automatically in Background

Match My Email provides a special folder that can be used to import old emails.  The special folder can hold 1 to 10,000 emails that will be migrated into Salesforce at a rate that will not violate Salesforce daily processing limits.  This feature is included with the base subscription.  It is probably worth a few hundred dollars per user.

Reprocessing ‘No Match’ Emails

Match My Email pushes email automation to the limit.  It holds ‘No Match’ emails in its cloud for 45 days and reprocesses them every 20 minutes.  If a new record in Salesforce is created by hand or a web site form, Match My Email will see the new record within 20 minutes and automatically log the relevant ‘No Match’ emails to the new record, we call this the ‘early bird’ issue.  Reprocessing results in more labor savings.

Create New Records From Emails

Inside the Match My Email web tab, end-users can create new Salesforce records quickly and easily from emails.  This is another labor savings.

Email Response Management

Match My Email creates a canonical email record in Salesforce that can be used to track email activity and response rates.  Match My Email provides mini-manuals that show sales operations how to track ‘cold’ and ‘orphaned’ records and monitor email activity by user.

Full Automation versus Total Control

Even though it defeats the purpose of maximum productivity and canonical information, some users don’t want full automation, especially executives.  They just want to put emails into Salesforce selectively and under their total control.  For these users, Match My Email offers a ‘Syn to Salesforce’ folder.  The end user just drags a copy of the email into the STS folder and then it is automatically sorted and filed to Salesforce.

The best way to see the power of Match My Email is to schedule either a Live Demo or Best Practices session.  Contact if you are interested.

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