Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

Introducing Bulk Activation for Match My Email. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

How Does It Work: Opportunity Matching

salesforce email integration, match my email

Match My Email is an automated email syncing app that matches the email addresses in the header of an email to the email address fields in When Match My Email finds a match, it uploads a permanent copy of the email and its attachments to and embeds the email in EMAIL MESSAGES into every standard Sales Cloud record type: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities and Cases.


  1. Match My Email only matches to OPEN OPPORTUNITIES.
  2. Match My Email matches to CONTACT ROLES in OPPORTUNITIES.
  3. CONTACT ROLES in OPPORTUNITIES are different depending on how the OPPORTUNITY is created.
    • LEAD CONVERSION: OPPORTUNITIES created during LEAD CONVERSION automate populate CONTACT ROLES with the all CONTACTS associated with the ACCOUNT that the LEAD is assigned at conversion. In an OPPORTUNITY created through LEAD CONVERSION, the CONTACT ROLES field looks blank, but if you click on the NEW button in CONTACT ROLES you will see the CONTACTS associated with the ACCOUNT listed in the selection list.
    • INSIDE A CONTACT: OPPORTUNITIES created from inside a CONTACT automate populate CONTACT ROLES with the CONTACT. In an OPPORTUNITY created from inside a CONTACT, the CONTACT ROLES field looks blank, but if you click on the NEW button in CONTACT ROLES you will see the CONTACT in the selection list.
    • INSIDE AN ACCOUNT: OPPORTUNITIES created inside an ACCOUNT automate populate CONTACT ROLES with the all CONTACTS associated with the ACCOUNT. In an OPPORTUNITY created inside an Account, the CONTACT ROLES field looks blank, but if you click on the NEW button in CONTACT ROLES you will see the CONTACTS associated with the ACCOUNT listed in the selection list.
  4. Once the user overrides the default CONTACT ROLES created during LEAD CONVERSION, FROM INSIDE A CONTACT, OR FROM INSIDE AN ACCOUNT, from then on, Match My Email will match to CONTACT ROLES SET MANUALLY.

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