Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Unique Features and Benefits of Match My Email for Salesforce

A road curves to the right, leading into a tunnel. The tunnel's walls are patterned with diagonal lines, and the road is empty. Sunlight partially illuminates the walls and road, creating a mix of light and shadow—much like how Salesforce integrates with Match My Email to create seamless workflows. is an amazing product. Its cloud platform can do just about anything related to organizing and tracking the sales process. But one area where the tools provided by Salesforce fall flat is email integration and handling.

With Match My Email – Your Entire Matching Process is Automated!

Many organizations want all their emails in Salesforce organized synced to the right record. These organizations have figured out that sales reps are more productive if they can see the entire email stream in a client record whether it is a Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity, Case or custom record. Match My Email fulfills this requirement by automatically importing email copies from a user’s INBOX and SENT folders to its cloud. Then the app takes the emails apart looking for meta-data such as email address, domain name, words in the subject line or tags in the email body. Once a match has been found between the meta-data in the email and the Salesforce record, a copy of the email is uploaded and permanently stored in Salesforce. The entire matching process is automated. After setup, the user never needs to log in and do a thing to keep the system running.

Check out these short animations explaining the automation feature and benefits of the cloud.

Match My Email is a multi-matcher. That means that it automatically associates emails based on meta-data to all the relevant records in SFDC. For example, if an email contains the email addresses of three SFDC Contacts, a copy of the email is linked to each Contact. Then the email rolls up to the Account related to the Contact(s). In addition, the email can be automatically rolled up to Opportunities based on Contact Roles. Multi-matching ensures that the email stream is visible in Salesforce in all the relevant records without requiring the user to click a button and initiate a manual action. By putting emails into all the right records, sales reps and managers can trust the email data in Salesforce. They can be sure that it is 100% complete and accurate.

Customization Enables Users to Associate Email Automatically with Custom Records and Fields

By default, Match My Email automatically files emails into standard Salesforce records based on default or standard setting (like every Contact rolls up to one Account). However, many Salesforce users have created custom records or custom fields in standard record types. Match My Email includes customization tools that enable users to associate email automatically with custom records and fields.

In some case, matching to email addresses does not work well. Email addressing matching can cause clutter if multiple Opportunities are open for the same Contact. To solve these non-standard email matching requirements, Match My Email invented a scripting language (actually an abstraction of APEX for the Salesforce techies) specifically to enable custom matching. The scripting language is simple and powerful. In an hour of custom programming, Match My Email can program Salesforce to match emails to custom or standard records by email address, domain, words in the subject line and body tags. For more on custom matching please watch this video:

Save Time with the Match My Email Email Handling Features

Out of the box, users can’t reply to or forward emails from inside a Salesforce record. No one is really sure why this feature doesn’t exist in Salesforce, but it is an obvious productivity and convenience enhancer. Match My Email incorporates REPLY and FORWARD action buttons inside each Salesforce record. Users save time because they don’t have to switch back to their email client, find an email and then REPLY. They can do it in the moment inside of Salesforce.

The combination of the Salesforce email module and Match My Email meta-data can supercharge email handling in Salesforce. Body tags can be automatically inserted into outbound emails. Or an Opportunity Name automatically inserted into a Subject Line of an outbound email so the email will precision match back to the right Opportunity on the reply even if the respondent is not a Contact in Salesforce.

Dynamic List Views for Drip Email Campaigns

One of the most useful features of Salesforce is List Views. List Views basically show a user a list of clients who met a certain set of conditions. When the conditions change, the client disappears from the list, hence they are dynamic because they change with user actions. Match My Email meta-data can be used as a List View ‘condition’. Match My Email incorporates SFDC ‘summary fields’ that can capture the date and time of the ‘first or last email sent’ or ‘first or last email received’. This meta-data can be used to highlight HOT Leads or Cold Contacts or Orphaned Accounts etc. Email response time can be measured by user or record type as well. Sales operations teams use Match My Email meta-data to better manage ‘key performance metrics”.

The quickest way to get an understanding of the features and benefits of Match My Email is to schedule a Live Demo – all demos are private – by using the scheduling tool on the web site at

Try Match My Email today.