Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

Email Syncing to Salesforce Using Order Numbers or Project Names

Close-up image of a computer screen displaying white text code on a black background. The code includes hardware-related details such as "pci-ata" lines, "GUID," and references to "GossamerPEr." The terminal-like interface also features order numbers and email syncing settings for integration with Salesforce.

The typical small business gets hundreds of emails each day. The volume of email conversations makes tracking client communications time consuming and tedious. Emails come it at all times of the day and night making it difficult for sales professional to sync them efficiently using manual tools like Salesforce IQ or Salesforce for Outlook.

The simple answer to email overload is automation. Implement an app that will take over the task of analyzing an email and then filing it into the right Salesforce record or records. Match My Email is the leading automation app for email integration with Saleforce. Rated 4.9 out of 5.0 on the AppExchange, Match My Email has been automatically syncing and logging millions of emails to Salesforce since 2011.

But sometimes email address matching, i.e, comparing email addresses in the TO:, FROM;, CC: and BCC: fields of an email to email address fields in Salesforce doesn’t work well, especially for businesses who have multiple deals open with the same customer at the same time. In those instances, matching emails based on a word or tag that is related to a specific deal or project works better.


For the past few years, Match My Email has been perfecting a custom scripting language that can match a ‘number’ or ‘word’ in the subject line of an email to a specific Salesforce record. If the app sees an order number such as #2016TX0057 in the Subject Line of an inbound or outbound email, Match My Email uploads a copy of the email automatically to the record. Since Match My Email is cloud technology, it is always on, working in background, at the network level. Plus Match My Email works with virtually every email system and device. Take a look at the app’s listing on the AppExchange.

Match My Email costs $22.95 per user per month. The custom scripting language is free with a subscription. Users can the scripting language to match an order number or project name in the Subject Line of an email to a record in Salesforce. Match My Email does not charge extra for customization services related to email syncing.   Most projects take about 3 hours – an hour to develop the spec, an hour to write code and one hour to test and accept the software.

Match My Email offers free customization definition sessions, Live Demos and Installation Support if you write with a date and time.

Try Match My Email today.