Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

Introducing the New and Improved Match My Email Dashboard. View announcement

MME Technology Blog

New Email Clean Up Tools in Match My Email

Computer keyboard keys arranged to spell "EMAIL" on a white background, in a straight, horizontal line. Perfect for illustrating Match My Email's new email clean-up tools.

Email integration tools concentrate first and foremost on getting emails synced and logged to the right records in Most tools are manual and require the end-user to make something happen by clicking on a series of buttons; one tool, Match My Email, is automated and does all the work of syncing and logging emails to Salesforce for the sales rep. Automated tools have the added advantage of being “always on”, i.e., syncing and logging emails in background, 24/7/365, because they work at the Internet or cloud level.

Automated email integration systems like Match My Email offer large productivity improvements. Based real world data, the average sales rep receives and sends 45 emails per day; 50% of those emails are relevant to customer records in and need to be sorted and filed into the SFDC. Logging and syncing emails manually is estimated to use up 100 hours of sales rep time each year, equivalent to 2 ½ full work weeks.

email-salesforce-clean-upOnce the emails are uploaded to, they are permanent records. Permanent records take up storage space and from time to time become orphaned. Removing extraneous, obsolete and unneeded emails becomes a requirement as a implementation matures whether the emails are logged manually or automatically.

This week, Match My Email added the first set of email clean up tools that reside inside These tools work on two levels: remove the email entirely versus remove the related object link to a record but keep the email. The Delete button and Mass Delete checkboxes in Email Messages remove the entire email object from The Mass Delete checkboxes are particularly important because they allow for very fast clean up.

The UnMatch or Mass Unmatch button inside each record type – Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity or Case – deletes the related object link between the Email Message and the individual record. Unmatch removes the spoke or related object link pointing from the junction object, in this case an Email Message, to the individual record.

Match My Email is dedicated to continuous improvement, the Japanese concept of Kaizen. Twice per month Match My Email releases new features in either its integration cloud or custom object installation package inside Our Kaizen process is 100% driven by customer feedback.

Recent improvements include: Legacy Email import, Creating new SFDC records from email data, forcing email matches to unrelated records, domain-wide email Ignores based on email address fragments, large attachment handling, OAuth implementation for, Gmail and Google Apps, screen views based on previous user behavior, and now email clean up tools in

Try Match My Email today.