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MME Technology Blog

Domain Name Syncing of Emails Integrated into ISVForce Insurance Agency Management App, Canary AMS

Logo for Atlantic Insurors featuring a stylized "A" encircled by green and blue arcs, alongside the company name in blue and green text. The tagline below reads, "Auto. Home. Life. Business." Designed with Insurance Agency Management in mind.

About Atlantic Insurors

Atlantic Insurors is a full-service, independent insurance agency serving individuals and businesses in New Jersey. Its agents are trained, licensed professionals who have dedicated their careers to helping people with any or all of their insurance needs. The agency provides a wide range of personal and commercial coverages. Atlantic works with major carriers, including Travelers, Farmers, Hartford, AIG, Pure, Chubb, Plymouth Rock, Encompass, Metlife, Allstate, Progressive and Mercury.

As an independent insurance broker, its affiliation with a wide range of carriers enables it to give clients many more options and the best coverage at a competitive price. It also means that instead of representing just one carrier, the agency represents the client.

Problem Definition

Atlantic Insurors uses an app developed by partner, Canary AMS, to manage its customer relationships in the cloud. Canary AMS addresses the specific CRM needs of independent insurance brokers. There are approximately 38,500 independent insurance agencies in the US.

One weakness of Canary AMS is email integration. The app doesn’t offer a hands-off automated email integration tool.

To sell insurance policies efficiently, an insurance agency needs to track all email correspondence with its two main counterparties: customers and carriers. Syncing emails to customer records is easy. All customers have email addresses that can been used to match emails to their individual Contract records.

Syncing emails to carriers, however, is more difficult. Emails don’t match to Carrier records directly; instead emails must be “rolled up” to Carrier record baseds on the Contacts embedded in them.

This is called ‘inheritance” in Salesforce. Emails link to a “Child” directly, in this case a Contact by email address, and then get rolled up automatically to a “Parent” or second tier record type like Carrier.

Parent/Child roll ups work great if the children or Contact records are always kept up-to-date. But if a Contact record is missing – because no one has had time to add it — then the emails shown in a Carrier record are incomplete. Once the email data are not 100% complete, then sales agents can no longer rely on CRM data and the usage of the CRM rapidly declines.

“It is almost impossible to keep Contact records in Salesforce up-to-date for our major insurance carriers. Carriers add, remove or change personnel frequently so it is really difficult to keep up. Yet we need to track the emails from all carrier personnel in Canary AMS in order to have an accurate record in the CRM of what is going on.”
Rich Ferro, President, Atlantic Insurors


Match My Email offers advanced email integration for Salesforce and ISVForce apps like Canary AMS. The app can sync emails by (1) email address; (2) domain name; (3) words in the Subject Line and (4) tags in the email body. With MME, users can customize email integration to fit their exact business model and workflow.

In under two hours, Match My Email’s customization experts configured Atlantic Insurors’ Canary AMS instance to match emails to Carriers by domain name, instead of email address roll-up. By matching emails based on domain name, every email related to anyone at a Carrier was captured in the CRM and filed into the right Carrier record. It didn’t matter anymore if the email sender or recipient was not in Salesforce as a Contact. By syncing emails based on their domain names ( not the full email address, every carrier email, inbound and outbound, was synced to Canary AMS.

The customization work cost Atlantic Insurors $199 for two hours of work.

“It is hard to calculate exactly how much time this is going to save us each day, week or month, but intuitively it feels like a major productivity improvement. My guess is a couple hours per month. Plus it removes the uncertainty when looking in a Carrier record. Now we know that the entire email thread is there regardless of who sent it.”

Rich Ferro, President, Atlantic Insurors

About Match My Email

Match My Email is cloud technology. It won’t slow down your desktop or mobile phone. Nor cause locks up and crashes like plug-ins do. Every twenty minutes the app syncs and logs emails to Salesforce records in background – machine to machine. The app is completely hands off. Users don’t even need to know it is there. The app is always on working in background.

Match My Email can sync emails to Salesforce records based on (1) email address, (2) domain name; (3) words in the Subject line or (4) body tags. No other email integration technology has the breadth and flexibility of Match My Email.

Match My Email creates an institutional memory of all email correspondence in Salesforce when used in automated mode. Every inbound and outbound email is captured, analyzed and uploaded to the right Salesforce record (s).

Match My Email is a “multiple email address and Salesforce record matcher.” Its MultiMatch version syncs emails to multiple Contacts and other records at once.

The app includes email handling and visualization tools like REPLY and FORWARD. Users can reply to emails from inside Salesforce Classic, Salesforce Lightning and Salesforce1 or create new SFDC records using “drag & drop” email data.

The email data added to Salesforce by Match My Email can be used to create useful reports, dashboards and List Views. Sales operations can use Match My Email meta-data to track email activity by user or record type.

Match My Email costs $22.95 per user per month. Volume discounts start at 11 users. Professional services related to custom email syncing are included in the subscription price.

The best way to see the features and benefits of Match My Email is to schedule a live demo by using the scheduling tool on the web site at

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