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MME Technology Blog

Auto Syncing by Email Domain Name in Salesforce

Salesforce email sync

Integrate Emails into Salesforce Records from Outlook, Gmail and MacMail based on Domain Name

No matter how good you are at Contact syncing, some emails are going to go missing because the sender or recipient is not in Salesforce. The solution is this dilemma is to use Domain matching at the Account level in Salesforce. Out-of-the-box most email syncing tools follow the Parent-Child relationship between an Account (parent) and Contacts (children). Emails are rolled up to the Account based on the Contacts embedded in them. But what happens if a new person emails from customer organization? He or she will not be Salesforce as a Contact so their email(s) will be missed.

Salesforce email sync

With Domain matching offered by Match My Email, emails can be syncing at the Account level by Domain, i.e., the segment of the email address after the @ symbol – for example by “”. Domain integration means that all emails from customer organization can be automatically matched to an Account in Salesforce effortlessly and with no hassle. This foolproof method of email auto-logging eliminates the need to stress out about missing Contacts in Salesforce; Contacts can be added later to Salesforce once it is clear that they are important.

Domain name syncing is made possible by Match My Email’s unique customization framework and scripting language. Domain name matching included in the base subscritpion price.

Match My Email offers Salesforce Integration for Outlook, Salesforce Integration for Gmail and Salesforce Integration for MacMail or Apple MacBook.

Match My Email costs $22.95 per user per month. This is a bargain in comparison with the amount of time it saves users and management. The average MME user saves more than 23 hours of work per month versus manual tools.

The best way to see the power and breadth of Match My Email app, it is schedule a live demo of the app using the scheduling tool on the Match My Email web site.

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